IANNIELLO LEGAL FIRM & PARTNERS LTD. , in the effort to serve the community support the Association Internationale de Solidarite better known as Solidary, with the purpose to serve the people in need worldwide.

Solidary Foundation, charitable organization, that has, as a primary target safeguarding the rights of people, contributing to give social, educative and sanitary attendance, providing nutritional aid help children, old and the needy, all over the world. “We will spare no efforts to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanising conditions of extreme poverty. We are committed to making the right to development a reality for everyone and to freeing the entire human race from want.”
Poverty is a denial of human rights. Human rights refer to rights that are inherent to the person and belong equally to all human beings. Their realisation has to be carried out as a participatory, accountable and transparent process, implying equality in decision making. Human rights instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provide a coherent framework for practical action at the international, national and sub national levels to reduce poverty.
The principles of equality and non discrimination address one of the root causes of poverty. Poverty strategies target individuals and groups that are socially excluded, marginalized, vulnerable and disadvantaged. The human rights-based approach to poverty reduction espouses the principles of universality and indivisibility, empowerment and transparency, accountability and participation. It addresses the multi dimensional nature of poverty beyond the lack of income. Poor people cannot not treated as if they constitute a homogeneous group, or as if discrimination occurs indiscriminately.
Human rights are inalienable entitlements; they constitute the ground rules for human development. As such, the ‘dignity and worth’ of the human person is to be regarded as both a means and an end of development. The human rights framework reflects the crucial interdependence of economic, social and cultural rights, on the one hand, and civil and political rights, on the other.

Equality of rights for all is the indispensable foundation on which human development must be built; Under international human rights law, States Parties have specific obligations to (i) respect, (ii) protect and (iii) fulfil the rights contained in the conventions. Failure to perform any one of these three obligations constitutes a violation of such rights.
i. The obligation to respect requires State Parties to refrain from interfering with the enjoyment of rights. For example, the right to housing is violated if the State Party engages in arbitrary forced evictions.
ii. The obligation to protect requires State Parties to prevent violations of rights by third parties. For instance, the failure to ensure that private employers comply with basic labour standards may amount to a violation of the right to just and favourable conditions of work.
iii. The obligation to fulfil requires State Parties to take appropriate legislative, administrative, budgetary, judicial and other measures towards the full realisation of rights.

Equality and non-discrimination
Human rights are for everyone, as much for people living in poverty and social isolation as for the rich and educated. International law prohibits discrimination in the enjoyment of human rights on any ground, such as ethnicity, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. The term “or other status” is interpreted to include personal circumstances, occupation, life style, sexual orientation and health status. People living with HIV and AIDS for instance, are entitled to the enjoyment of their fundamental human rights and freedoms without any unjustified restriction.
Equality also requires that all persons within a society enjoy equal access to the available goods and services that are necessary to fulfil basic human needs. It prohibits discrimination in law or in practice in any field regulated and protected by public authorities. Thus, the principle of non-discrimination applies to all state policies and practices, including those concerning healthcare, education, access to services, travel regulations, entry requirements and immigration